Jason Peng
1 min readJun 16, 2021


Tao Te Jing Chapter 8: The Form of Water


The highest form of properness is the form of water.

(Water is alway following downward and avoids competition.)


Water nourishes many things without striving against them.

It always stays in the lowest place where most people do not want to stay.

In this sense, the form of water is like Tao (Dao).


(There are 7 lessons we can learn from the form of water about propriety and goodness in our daily lives)

Thou shalt (know how to):

  1. Stay in the proper place, (staying at the low position avoids competition)
  2. Think with the proper depths, (like an abyss which is deep and calm)
  3. Deal with proper manners, (be kind, benevolent, and humble when dealing with people. Like water — soft and tender)
  4. Speak with the proper words, (trustworthy, like water whose direction is predictable)
  5. Govern with the proper order, (following a course like the flow of water)
  6. Work according to proper capability, (water is soft but full of energy, thus it is capable of doing a lot of work)
  7. React with proper timing. (respond just in time, naturally, without rushing)


If and only if one doesn’t strive against others (like the form of water),

then one can be free from blame. (being blameless, acting flawlessly)

[no fight, no blame] [You will be respected]

